Contest Comments by David McMurray
This contest received 4,312 entries, of which a record high 2,483 were photo-haiku composed in English. Increasing by 5 percent from last year, the number of entries in English reached an all-time high. 1,820 haiku were matched to 14 photos supplied by the organizer for two categories: 7 scenes of Matsuyama, and 7 scenes of other cities. With a keen eye on the photos and in-depth understanding of their context, the preliminary judge short-listed hotly-contested qualifiers. The final judge selected a grand-prix, one award for excellence, and 5 honorable mentions for the Setouchi-Matsuyama category. Entries from the U.K., India, Canada, Romania, Bulgaria, and Japan led the competition which attracted photo-haikuists from around the world.
Grand Prix
UKAnne-Marie McHarg
I take this path
From one world to the next
Summer pines
Comment from the Judge: David McMurray
The narrator took us on a journey, a few measured steps straight into the unknown. The final line added a welcome seasonal reference that matched well with the tranquil atmosphere of the photo. The 13-syllable poem was well-structured and deserving of a grand prix.

Red bridge (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
Award for Excellence
IndiaVandana Parashar
evening walk
the new neighbour knows me
by my dog’s name
Comment from the Judge: David McMurray
The delightful text described a humorous moment of community and connection. The photo revealed a cat at the sunset station, the haiku broadened the peaceful scene to include other pet owners, including the narrator who often calls her dog to heel. A certain familiarity between the neighbors, but not too close, made for an endearing, excellent photo-haiku.

Sunset at Mitsuhama Station (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
Honorable Mentions
Love charms, Enmanji Temple (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
CanadaLuminita Suse
expired amulet
now I am in love
with my solitude -
A keeper and his deer, Kashima Island (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
UKTracy Davidson
more mouths to feed
stretching out
the vegetables -
Mitsuhama bread shop (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
BulgariaVladislav Hristov
the smell of fresh baked bread
I open my grandmother's
recipe notebook -
Looking out at the sea, Nakajima Island (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
RomaniaMircea Moldovan
soft waves
between fishermen
moonshine -
Streetcar 78 (Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture)
JapanEmiko Miyashita
vermilion streetcar
rattles down the street
the first star in the evening